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Relaxation Rules 19/7/21

Henlow Bridge Lakes

Welcome to Henlow Bridge Lakes.

Thank you for deciding to take your holiday with us.

We wish you a very pleasant stay.

Please take a moment to read these few notes, which will help keep you and your family, other guests, and also our staff safe as we open up again after the terrible 18 months we have all endured.

Some of these points are in addition to our normal terms and conditions which are attached to all booking confirmations.


We would kindly ask that wherever possible customers who have their own onboard toilet, shower and dishwashing facilities continue to use them.

This will help reduce demand and any queuing.

All toilets, showers and plate wash areas on site are now open. We would strongly recommend that face coverings are worn when entering and leaving any of the facilities.

Hand sanitiser is positioned outside all blocks and should be used before and after entry.

Children must be supervised at all times, and are not permitted to use any of the facilities without supervision.

Please do not drive vehicles to the toilet and shower blocks.

We will keep the enhanced cleaning protocols in place and will continue to fog the showers and toilets when they are deep cleaned. When any of the facilities are being deep cleaned and fogged with disinfectant they will be closed for use.

Toilet and shower tents cannot be erected and used on our site at any time.


We are always delighted to see families and friends having fun, laughing, joking and generally relaxing.

That is why our business exists, and why we get so many families returning year after year!

We always have, and always will stress to guests that we are not a ''party'' campsite, and never will be.

As always, our 22.30-0700 quiet time policy remains in place.

All guests must adhere to our very simple, basic respect rules whilst on our site.

These simple rules are clearly published on our website, in our brochures and are attached to all bookings confirmations that are sent by email.

If we sadly encounter guests being disrespectful to other guests or staff by not following our basic rules, we will have no choice but to ask them to leave the site immediately. If you experience any disrespectful behaviour we would kindly ask that you telephone our emergency number 07929332642 to report it.


We welcome well-behaved dogs on site but all dogs must be tethered and under control at ALL times.

Dog owners are responsible for cleaning up and removing all of their pet's faeces.


We would ask that vehicle movements, including those entering and leaving the site are kept to a minimum.

Please do not drive to the shower and toilet blocks or the shop.

Please just ask a member of staff if you need any assistance and we will be delighted to help.


No day visitors will be accepted on site until January 2nd 2022 at the earliest.


The reception building at Hayward's is closed and will permanently remain closed.

All queries, information and bookings will now all be managed from the shop.


The play parks around the site are open.

No dogs are allowed to enter the play parks.

Hand sanitiser is provided at each play area.

As is always the case, children should always be supervised when using the

play equipment.

Please ensure all rubbish is placed in the bins provided.

The games room and animal petting corner will remain closed indefinitely and the Bango trailer will not operate this season.


All caravans - motorhomes and other units must use the Elsan dumping points in a safe and courteous

way, following all of the signage at each point and cleaning down thoroughly after use.

Hand sanitiser is provided at each point.

Grey water can be discarded into hedgerows, which the bushes and shrubs love!


The shop is open from 08.30 every day. We kindly request that when visiting the shop you wear a face covering, to minimise any risk to our staff and other guests.

Due to the narrow spaces we will only be allowing 8 persons in the shop at any one time.

There is one door for entry and one to exit.

The contactless card payment limit has been raised to £45 and we would ask you to use this form of payment as much as possible, which reduces the circulating of cash.

We do realise it can be difficult with children in shops wanting to touch things at times, but please keep the handling of goods to a minimum.

Perspex screens have been fitted at the tills, and we ask that you please maintain social distancing measures at all times to keep yourself, other guests and our team safe.

In house freshly baked baguettes, croissants and pain au chocolate can be ordered and paid for in the shop, they will then be delivered to your pitch or accommodation the next morning!


Vincent's and Jordan's lakes must be booked online. Day tickets cannot be purchased in the shop for

these lakes.

If you would like to fish on one of these two lakes, you would need to book online beforehand.

Bookings cannot be made online for the same day.

The booking system allows bookings to be made up to 15 days ahead.

At this time, day tickets for both Youngers and Rodgers lakes can be

purchased in the shop from 09.00 every day.


Taps are located on the EHU poles.

Hoses connecting to water buts or onboard tanks are not to be left

connected to taps at any time.

Please also ensure that taps are fully turned off after use.


Please ensure you are at the main gate by the shop in plenty of time to meet your delivery driver.


Fire pits and logs can be ordered and paid for at the shop. They will then be delivered to your pitch for you.

Please just ask if you need anything clarified.

Stay safe and have fun.

Chris Rushton and all of the team at HBL. (July 2021)


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Company Registration No: 02337170  | VAT No: 678852472 | Registered Address: Bridge End Road, Henlow, Bedfordshire.

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